Grants help us bring music to the whole community!

Support from charitable foundations and public agencies sustains the Eugene Symphony’s rich tradition of artistic excellence. Not only does this crucial support enable our orchestra to engage in artistically challenging endeavors, it allows us to explore new ways of deepening service to our city and region, making it possible to:

  • Foster artistic growth through new commissions, recordings, festivals, tours and residencies.
  • Educate children and adults with programs for families, schools and community groups.
  • Maintain accessibility to high-quality programs such as Symphony Connect that provide the power of music to connect, heal, and inspire our community.
  • Operate a financially sustainable cultural institution serving the entire southern Willamette Valley region.

Grants and other charitable gifts are important funding sources for the Eugene Symphony’s nationally recognized education and community programs serving more than 21,000 people annually.

Major institutional funders include:
