The Planets
This concert kicks off with Short Ride in a Fast Machine, a high-energy, minimalist work known for its driving rhythms and vibrant orchestration. It's a short, exhilarating burst of sound that evokes the feeling of a thrilling ride – and it's said that composer John Adams was inspired by a late-night drive in his brother-in-law's Lamborghini! It's a visceral experience that will leave you breathless.
Pianist and composer-in-residence Dan Tepfer presents a new concerto for piano and orchestra, The Harmonies that Bind Us, complete with improvisation and real-time visualizations. New York Magazine says Tepfer is “one of the moment's most adventurous and relevant musicians.”
We’ll close the concert with The Planets, an expansive and majestic suite, each movement representing a different planet in our solar system and associated with a specific mythological character. It's a work of grand scale and rich textures, full of memorable melodies and evocative moods.
Please note: This concert is on track to sell out, so get your tickets now!
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