Private Lesson Program

[Available to Bethel, Eugene, and Springfield middle and high school music students]

Eugene Symphony is thrilled to announce private lesson scholarships are now available as part of our 2024/25 Eugene Symphony Private Lesson Program. Available to Bethel, Eugene, and Springfield middle and high school music students, this lesson scholarship program is for students who do not have the opportunity to study privately otherwise. We invite all public school music educators to nominate students to be considered for this program. Selected students will receive a private lesson scholarship consisting of ten (10) free lessons with an Eugene Symphony teaching artist. Each student also receives a $50 stipend for lesson materials and will have the opportunity to attend Eugene Symphony performances this school year. Open to students of all ages and abilities.

Private lessons provide focused, personalized instruction from a professional Eugene Symphony musician. Studies show individualized music education opportunities can positively impact student confidence, self-esteem, and overall school performance.

Deadline to submit nominations: Friday, September 20, 2024


  • Bethel, Eugene, and Springfield School Districts (public schools only)

  • Middle and high school band and orchestra students

  • All ages and playing abilities welcome

  • All orchestral instruments welcome (except piano)

  • Available to students who do not have the opportunity to study with a private lesson teacher otherwise

FOCUS: This scholarship is available to students who do not otherwise have the opportunity to take private lessons. We welcome nominations for reliable students who display a positive attitude towards learning and will show up prepared for lessons.

Student Selection Process:

Twenty-three (23) scholarships will be awarded this year, at least 10 of which will be dedicated to BIPOC students. Student nominations will be reviewed according to the submitted nomination statement and NAACP scholarship eligibility. Students and teachers will be notified by e-mail of participation status in October 2024. Final confirmation of the student’s participation in the program will be dependent on Eugene Symphony teaching artist availability and parent confirmation.

NAACP Scholarship for BIPOC Students

Ten (10) scholarships will be awarded to BIPOC students, specifically students from communities that have been historically underrepresented in classical music.

Scope of Private Lessons:

  • Each student receives ten (10) free private lessons with an Eugene Symphony teaching artist.

  • Lesson duration is dependent on age and skill level (ranging from 30-60 minutes/ session).

  • Lessons take place in-person, at a mutually agreed upon location.

  • Lesson schedule is based on student and private lesson teacher availability. Most lessons will take place during weekday afternoons.

  • Lessons will begin in November 2024.

  • Student safety is a top priority at the Eugene Symphony. All private lessons teachers undergo an annual background check.

  • We will periodically check-in with families to connect about student progress and see how lessons are going.

Financial Expectations:

Private lesson teachers may recommend students acquire specific sheet music/instrument-specific technique books for their private lessons. Individual families are responsible for this expense. Eugene Symphony will provide each family with a $50 stipend to go towards any recommended lesson materials (music books, music stands, instrument-related items, etc.).

2024/25 Partners & Sponsors:

The 2024/25 Private Lesson Program is generously supported by the Cow Creek Umpqua Indian Foundation, Safeway Foundation, and is Co-Sponsored by CSI Payroll Tax funded City of Eugene Rec Youth and Teen Empowerment Programs. The NAACP Scholarship Opportunity was established in partnership with the Eugene/Springfield NAACP Branch #1119.


Katy Vizdal ✉
Education and Community Engagement Director
541-687-9487 x1116

Thank you to our Private Lesson Program supporters: