Nicholas Sharma

Canadian-American conductor Nicholas Sharma is currently the Assistant Conductor of the South Dakota Symphony Orchestra and the Music Director of the South Dakota Symphony Youth Orchestra. This past season, Sharma made his conducting debuts with the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra and the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra. This year, Sharma returns to conduct the Eugene Symphony Orchestra, where he had previously served as conducting fellow.

Sharma holds a Doctorate of Musical Arts (DMA) in Orchestral Conducting from the Eastman School of Music, studying with Neil Varon, as well as a Masters in Orchestral Conducting from the University of Oregon, studying with David Jacobs. Before his conducting studies, Sharma earned a Bachelor’s degree in Violin Performance studying with violinist Oleh Krysa. Sharma has attended several conducting workshops and festivals including the Colorado College Summer Music Festival, New World Symphony Orchestra in Miami, the National Academy Orchestra of Canada and the 2019 Albert Tipton Conducting Fellow at the Aspen Music Festival. He has participated in masterclasses with Michael Tilson Thomas, Stephan Denève, Neeme Järvi, Nicholas McGegan, Mark Stringer and Robert Spano. 

In his spare time, Sharma enjoys time with his wife, violinist Miya Saito-Beckman, and their border collie, Hudson. (via)


Benjamin Beilman